Introducing Madelaine Robillard
Madelaine is a current student at Mount Royal University working towards her diploma in Social Work. After obtaining her Diploma, she plans to get her BSW and MSW and then receive training to become a Creative Arts Therapist. Madelaine works at a women’s shelter specializing in domestic violence in Calgary. She also owns her own photography business and travels Canada working in the LGBTQ community.
What is the best part of your life?
My support network. I’ve really been reaching my goals over the years, but I couldn’t have done it without the love and support of my friends and family. It’s so important to have people in your life that want to be there and would do anything to support you, as I would for them.
What are you passionate about?
I’m passionate about so many things! The arts, photography, social events with my friends, drag culture, puzzles, reading, and video games.
What big life changes have you experienced lately?
After almost 10 years in management I made a huge career change into Social Work. I was so scared to do it and in only 4 months I can officially call myself a Social Worker already. So many opportunities have been (and continue to be) presented to me. I’m more excited to learn and grow than I ever have been.
What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?
Pickled pig tongue. My dad is from Quebec, and it’s a pretty common thing there. I thought it was disgusting.
You’re a new addition to the crayon box. What colour would you be and why?
Unicorn. Because I believe the rainbow wouldn’t be what it is without all the other colours. Also, I live my life in a pretty sparkly, vibrant, and colourful way.
What do you look forward to most while working with Antyx Community Arts?
The opportunity to be immersed in the arts again. This is a new chapter for me that encompasses so many amazing things that I’m excited to learn about. Working with youth is something I have done before, but not in the same context, so I’m looking forward to working with youth using the arts. This opportunity ties into my future (and current) goals in so many ways. One of my goals is to become a creative arts therapist (after getting my Master’s of course).