Antyx Creative Club at Ian Bazzalgette
On Thursdays between 3pm-5pm Antyx is with Ian Bazalgette running Creative Club. This project facilitates youth in Junior High who collaborate their amazing ideas and creativity to create a project. The project that they are working on right now is a short film showcasing the effects of bullying on teenagers in school and shows the possibilities of the action that can be taken as a result of it. The youth at Ian Bazalgette are all so talented in their own way, and every week they are showing us their talents through various art forms that they find helps them express themselves. Their talents range from spoken word, poetry, filming, and editing to many other talents. The youth have been working together to create characters, story lines, camera angles, and executing a strong message through their passion of exploring social justice issues. Creative Club is excited to be wrapping up the project to show the public what can happen when amazing minds collaborate together to create something amazing.