Faces of Antyx: Savini


Happy Friday everyone! This week we’ll be featuring Savini, and we’re so excited to share her story!

Q: How long have you been at Antyx?

A: I have been at Antyx for almost a year now.

Q: How did you find your passions and how have you incorporated them into your life? Do your creations have a message you are trying to share?

A: I have always been interested in drawing. I think the encouragement from my teachers and classmates and seeing the inspiring work of various artists in public and on social media platforms were what motivated me to develop my artistic skills. I try incorporating art into a lot of my schoolwork even when it is not required, and do many side projects on my own time. 

Q: What was the biggest opposing force that you encountered on your creative journey? 

A: As a high school student, it is hard to access a lot of art supplies, but thanks to Antyx, I was able to explore more art forms such as painting, spoken word, poetry, and photography, which gave me a better understanding of what I loved and felt I was good at.

Q: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

A: The best piece of advice I received was to never think what you do is not good enough. If you do not put your work out there, you do not know what opportunities you could miss out on. 

Q: What are you currently working on?

A: I mostly have a bunch of sketches going on right now, so no major projects. However, recently I have gotten more into graphic design and photography. 

Q: What is your biggest motivation?

A: My biggest motivation is seeing how the effort and commitment artists have put into their work has allowed them to become successful. They show who they are and share their message in their own style. I hope to get to know myself more and be able to show my best self to others through what I do just like them.  

Q: What is your dream project or goal?

A: For my long-term goals, I want to build an Instagram portfolio featuring some of my work as I develop my skill set. While I continue to volunteer with Antyx, I wish to take part in more mural making. I was happy to hear the feedback and ideas from the facilitators and Antyx volunteers when working on previous murals and loved the final products. I cannot wait to collaborate with them again to make more wonderful murals!