Introducing Kiran Randhawa
Hi! My name is Kiran Randhawa. I am a 21 year old social work student at Mount Royal University. I am passionate to work with youth regarding mental health and social issues in hopes to create positive and indefinite change for future generations. I have been involved in youth work for years and enjoy every moment of it. During my spare time I like to binge watch Netflix, play video games, paint, and explore the outdoors. I’m a huge foodie so I love trying out new foods and restaurants from all over the world.
You’re a new addition to the crayon box. What colour would you be and why?
I would be violet. I am a calm yet lively and that’s what I envision when I see the colour violet
If you could have any pet what would it be and why?
A monkey because they’re cute and cuddly.
What’s your favourite game or sport to watch and play?
I love to play rugby or football but I love to watch hockey.
What is your favourite memory from childhood?
My favourite childhood memory is from Christmas when I was a teenager. Everyone in my family was always at home without any outside stresses. Although we did not celebrate Christmas, being around your loved ones without having anything to do was amazing.
What do you look forward to most while working with Antyx Community Arts?
I am looking forward to learning all that Antyx has to offer. I hope to gain insight on the operational perspectives, facilitating and also how to build important and impactful relationships with the youth. I’m excited to be part of the Antyx experience and grateful to be surrounded by such a great team.