Faces of Antyx: Kiwi
Faces of Antyx: Kiwi
Wrapping up our week with a Feature Friday is Kiwi (nominated by Sarah Murdoch)! If you know of any youth artists in Calgary/Canada that you think should be featured, let us know!
Q: Tell us a bit about yourself. Name, age, etc.
A: My name is Kiwi and I am 15 turning 16 very soon. I play violin and I am currently in the youth singers of Calgary
Q: How did you find your passions and how have you incorporated them into your life? Do your creations have a message you are trying to share?
A: I want the world to stop and think before they do something they will regret and for people with power and money to not butcher their roles. I guess my passion was created when I started playing music. Music is now a huge part of my life
Q: What was the biggest opposing force that you encountered on your creative journey?
A: The age of people who looked at it was a big problem but I built around it and made it suitable
Q: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
A: “Even if you think it sounds or looks bad don’t ever give up”
Q: What are you currently working on?
A: Me, Ms. Sarah and a friend are writing a comic book.
Q: What is your biggest motivation?
A: Gerard Way and Freddie Mercury have motivated me to keep fighting no matter what happens.
Q: What is your dream project or goal?
A: I want to release an album of different things such as comics, music, photos etc
Sarah: As for me, I am the visual artist in residence with Calgary Arts Academy. We just started our high school program with 13 grade 10 students. Jay is in Art10 and this project was born organically out of a conversation early in the year about all the things Jay was dealing with as a teenager. They started writing and drawing, and decided they could do a social activism painting. Jay spent about 25 hours on this project.