#AntyxUnplugged - Jordan

Unplugged - Jordan

Increased screen time during the pandemic has risen since lockdowns and restrictions have come into place. Having to attend school online and having virtual meetings to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 is becoming the norm. Being in front of a screen for several hours a day can cause a physical strain that affects our body and eyes, increasing stress and a decline in our mental and physical wellbeing. Since the beginning of the pandemic, I have found a loss in the social structure of my life; being cooped up all day with no outlet for socializing or exercising regularly, I have started to make a scheduled portion of my day to unplug.

         A general goal for keeping healthy is 30 minutes of exercise per day. Instead of binge-watching the newest seasons of a show, I take at least 30+ minutes to get out and enjoy the outdoors. Whether it be going for a walk around the neighborhood or a leisurely bike ride along the paths. My favourite activity is to go out with my kids and do some sport orientated activities, such as going out to throw the football or play some basketball. Since it is now getting warmer outside, I have been getting out and being more active, which has increased my mind and body enjoy the brighter things in life. How do you unplug? #AntyxUnplugged

May 3-9, 2021 marks the beginning of Mental Health Week. As we’re roughly one year into the pandemic, adverse effects are being felt more commonly than usual during periods of isolation and uncertainty, leading to increased levels of anxiety and/or depression. Almost 38 per cent of Canadians, according to Statistics Canada, have reported that “due the COVID-19 pandemic, they experienced feelings of loneliness or isolation”1. With tighter restrictions and social distancing rules, many have faced long periods of screen time due to working from home or attending school digitally. While the impact of increased screen behaviour on mental and general health is unknown, a study done by Statistics Canada reported that “avoiding excessive screen time and engaging in exercise, particularly outdoors, were important behaviours associated with better perceived mental and general health” during the pandemic2.

In an effort to boost the importance of reducing screen time and promote healthy ways to unplug, the Antyx team is sharing how they unplug when faced with an increasingly digital environment. #AntyxUnplugged


1 https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/210318/dq210318a-eng.htm
