Loop Youth Leader Opportunity

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Loop is offering 12 Youth Leader opportunities for youth ages 14 to 24 connected to the North-East communities! Join a diverse group of youth passionate about social change in this two-year-long project. The youth team will participate in creative field trips and community gatherings, day-camps and regular ongoing sessions with Antyx, the Artists and Elder to learn about the land we live on and explore the significance of each season from various cultural perspectives. As we develop ideas for the new sculptures at the Genesis Centre, members will work as part of a creative team through a series of arts-based projects such as paper-making, charcoal and pigment making, drawing, writing, video, photo, and puppetry.

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Youth team members will develop skills in leadership, creative thinking and problem-solving, art, project management and teamwork, while gaining confidence, making friends, and strengthening their connections to their communities.

School credit, volunteer hours, and an honorarium of $400 will also be offered for committed youth team members who complete the one-year research phase with us.

This project starts in SUMMER 2021 with an in-person summer camp running from July 12 to 16 (COVID-19 restrictions pending). There are limited spots available for our Youth Team so please get in touch to sign up! No prior art experience required. Email noor@antyx.org or visit http://www.antyx.org/loop-genesis-sculpture-project for more information about the project and the registration process.